Properties Editing

Most of the properties are just numbers or strings. However, there are also properties of other types.

Description and Remarks are properties of rich text type and require the separate panes to enter their values.

Role of an activity are in fact two synchronized lists of role names and numbers of their participants. This property requires the Roles dialog to be entered.

Similarly, Conditions of a choice are also two synchronized lists of texts and numbers. This property requires the Conditions & frequencies dialog to be entered.

Input/output for a task are two lists of typed strings that require usage of the Input/Output dialog.


There is also a group of properties that are Selections from well defined lists of possible items.


Two other properties Note and Risk Point require some attention because their values are directly shown on the process diagram.


The most important properties of one (or more) process step can be quickly edited using the Mini property editor.


Properties of all diagram steps can be edited in one common table using Tabular property editor.

Properties of all project's roles can be edited in one common table using Role property editor.

Properties of a table type can be edited in one common dialog using Type property editor.