Roles and documents property editors

You can edit properties of a role by clicking it in the Project pane and making changes in the Properties pane. If you double click the Roles folder or a role inside it or if you create a new role or document then the Roles property editor dialog opens. You can edit here properties of all roles.




Press the New role button to add a new role to the project. Press the red cross button to delete the corresponding role.


Press Cancel if you want to discard the changes. Press OK to apply all the changes made to the list of roles. You can revert this operation by pressing once on the Undo button because all changes made inside the Roles property editor are treated as one complex change.


You can also enter the Roles property editor by selecting the <New role> item of Roles combo box in the Mini property editor or in the Properties pane.


In the same way you can edit document properties. Just double click the Documents folder or one of documents to open the document property editor.

