Tabular property editor

The properties of the selected process step are shown and can be edited in the Properties pane. You can also double click on a step and use Mini property editor to edit some selected properties. In order to edit properties of many process steps at once you can use Tabular Property Editor.


Press the Properties button in the Process group of Home tab.




The following dialog appears:




The Tabular Property Editor for Engage Process Modeler Starter edition is divided into three tabs. The Basic properties tab allows you to edit Name, Tag and Note properties common for all process steps as well as Risk Point, Value Added and Roles for those steps for which they are defined.


The initial order of steps in the table is defined by the step numbers. Click on the header of the first column Name to order the rows by the step name. Click on the header again if you want to have the reverse order. Notice, that Parallel and Join steps do not initially have names whereas some steps can have the same names. Thus, the step number is the only reliable way to identify a step in the Tabular property editor.


Use the small plus button in front of a subprocess (phase, service) step to expand it and get access to the properties of the steps inside. The step number will inform you about the nesting level of a step.




Use <Tab> or <Ctrl>+<Tab> keys to navigate in the grid. Once you are on the cell for the Risk point use <Space> or click the box to change its status. Once you are on the cell that is connected to a dialog (like Roles, Input, Output, Labels, Conditions/Frequencies) use <Space> or press the small button to open this dialog.


The Documents tab allows you to edit Input and Output properties for activities and subprocesses.



The Branches tab allows you to edit Labels for Parallels as well as Conditions/Frequencies for Choices and Decisions.





Tabular property editor does not cover all the properties. Some individual properties like Process for Process link, Trigger for Start, Result for Stop cannot be set there.


Press Cancel if you want to discard the changes. Press OK to apply all the changes made to the process steps. You can revert this operation by pressing once on the Undo button because all changes made inside the Tabular property editor are treated as one complex change.


Three additional tabs are available in Tabular property editor for Engage Process Modeler (P) edition and higher.