Roles, Participants and Owner of an activity

All activities and Service have a Roles property. This is a list of roles involved in the execution of the activity together with the number of participants for each of these roles. Initially no roles are assigned.




If you expand the Roles combo box you will see the list of available roles and the <New role> item.




If you click the <New role> item you will be redirected to the Roles property editor.


You can also select multiple roles for the activity by clicking the ThreeDotsButton button. Then, the Roles dialog opens:





Select a role in the combo box and specify the number of participants of that role in the text box on the right. A new row will be automatically added to the list, so you can select another role and type the number of its participants again. Press the red cross at the end of a row to remove the row from the list. Press the blue arrow up or down to change the order of the roles.


If there are more participants or roles assigned to an activity then the Roles property is not shown as a combo box anymore. Instead, all roles and participants are shown.




Notice, that the read only Number of participants property is updated automatically.


The Owner of the activity can only be selected from the set of roles already assigned to that activity:

