Description and Remarks

You can add a description or remarks to:


a folder,
a process,
a role,
a document,
a process step,


Select an object you want to add a description or remarks to. Go to the Description or Remarks pane.




Use the tool bar above the description box to select a font, determine its size, color and background color, to select the font style, to start a bullet or numbered list, to align the text, to add or remove indentation.

Use the InsertLinkButton button to insert a hyperlink into your text. The following dialog appears:





Type the URL in the Web address field and provide the Text that you want to appear as a clickable text for this URL. You can define a Tool tip for this text as well. Use <Ctrl> + click on this text to go to the specified web address.

Use the  button RemoveLinksButtonto remove all hyperlinks from the selected text

Use the  button RemoveFormattingButton to remove formatting from the selected text.


If you have Engage Process Modeler Professional edition or higher you can also take advantage of description templates.In order to insert a content of a template into a description or a remark just put the cursor into the desired place and then select one of the defined templates from the Template combo box. Press theManageTemplatesButton button to go to the Description templates manager.