
On the presentation level, a teamboard contains specifications how the work items, tasks and their properties should be shown to the user. The basic component on this specification is a field.

A field defines how to show or enter a property value. Every property has its own field. A field is specified by its caption and type. The type of the field is the same as the type of the corresponding property and determines what control will be used to show or enter the property value. Currently, we have the following types of fields/properties:





Long text

The actual number of lines is pre-configured in the template but it can be later configured by a user. You can enter rich text here.




The set of possible values is pre-configured in the template but it can be later configured by a user.




Consist of both the date picker and the time selector.




You can enter a sequence of texts here. Each element can be either directly typed or selected from a list of already entered texts in all other work items/ tasks


List of attachments where you can add a new one from the Open file dialog.


Shows a list of all published processes that the user is authorized to view.

Process step

Shows a list of steps of the process assigned to the teamboard.


A list of all authorized  users.


Fields are shown on the work item’s and task’s edit dialogs as well as on cards and tables in work views. Fields corresponding to the system properties are always read only.