Configuring enumeration

A field of type Enumeration requires a list of values. When you create a new enumeration field its properties are as follows:



To add new enumeration value press the Add button. A new row appears under the List values. Type the new value name there. The names of the values must be unique. Press the Add button again to add another value.


To change the order of the values drag the corresponding six dots button up or down.

Once there are values in the list you can select one of them as a default one. Just select this value in the Default value combo box.

Notice that if you check the Mandatory field box then the default value cannot be empty and it is automatically set to the first value from the list.

If you want to add a shape appearing in front of each enumeration value select an icon in the Icon combo box.



Once you select an icon the List values changes. By default the colors of the icons will be white.



To change the color of the icon appearing in front of the particular value press the three dots button and select a new color.


To delete an enumeration value press the red cross button. The following warning will appear:




After you apply your configuration changes and reopen the teamboard then the deleted enumeration values will disappear from the combo box list. However, if you have already used them in some of the work items (or tasks) then they will still appear there (with the grey icon). Once you decide to change such a value to another value it will not be possible to revert this change.