Work views

A work view specifies the way the teamboard is presenting its set of work items and tasks to the user.

Currently, we distinguish five types of work views:

Kanban board
Combined kanban board
Task board
Table view
Calendar view

A Board view (Kanban or Task) shows work items and tasks in a form of a cards on a board grid.

A card consists of a subset of the work item’s or a task’s fields.

The columns of the board grid are labeled by the possible values of the grouping property. The position of a card on the grid is determined by the value of the grouping property of the underlying work item or task. Moving a card from one column to the other automatically changes the grouping property value.

The Calendar view shows the work item's and task's title field in the calendar grid. The position of this field in the calendar grid is determined by the value of the selected date property of the underlying work item or task. Moving a field from one position to the other automatically changes the date property value of the work item.

The Table view shows work items in a table. Each row of a table corresponds to one work item or task whereas the columns correspond to the properties.