Process step

If you click the dropdown of a Process step type field you will see a list of steps of the process connected to this teamboard (if any) or the process connected to this work item or task (if the teamboard is connected to multiple processes).

Only tasks (including automatic tasks and decisions), breaks, process links and subprocesses (including phases and services) are shown. You will see a small triangle in front of a subprocess (service, phase) step. Press it to expand the subprocess and to be able to select a step from that subprocess. You cannot expand process link because its steps belong to another process.


Process step


Select the process step you want to assign to the work item. After the process step is selected you can press the magnifying glass button to view the process step in the context of the connected process. Engage Process Viewer will be opened in another browser page to show the process and the selected process step. You will get an error if you do not have rights to view this process in Engage Process Viewer or if you do not have the Viewer license. This may happen if you want to view a process that was assigned to the teamboard by somebody else.