
You can add two types of attachments to your work item or task: files and URLs.




Press the plus button to add a new file attachment. The standard Open file dialog will appear. Select a file and press OK. The name of the file will be added to the list. You can also add a new file attachment by dragging a file and dropping it on the attachment field.

To add a URL attachment press a small triangle on the right hand side of the plus button and select + Add URL. Type the URL and its name in the dialog that appears and press OK. The name of the URL will appear on the Attachments list.



You can also add an image by copying it from another website and paste it in the attachments. Just right-mouse click the image, select Copy image and then right-mouse click the Attachments field. The Paste image menu item will appear. If you select it the browser will ask you to allow viewing copied images. If you agree then the following dialog appears:


Type the name of the new image and press OK. The image will be added to the attachment field.


Press the red cross button to delete the selected attachment from the list.You will be asked for confirmation.

Press the magnifying glass button to view the selected attachment file or the page referred by URL. The file will be downloaded to your browser. (In some browsers you must first save the file to be able to open it.)

If the teamboard was created by uploading a Trello file or by uploading an Engage file created in another organization, then the attachment could not be shown. Instead, you will get a message:




Using the Attachments control you specify the list of names of attached files. Only at the moment you press the OK button of the work item or the task edit dialog, the deleted attachment files will be permanently deleted and the newly added files will be uploaded to Engage Process storage.