Sharing (S)

Press the Share button in the Sharing & publishing group in the Collaboration tab. Notice that in order to share a diagram you need to have the Share right for it (see User rights).

The following dialog appears:




Check the diagrams you want to share. By checking a folder (Marketing in this example) you automatically check all diagrams in it. Press the OK button.




A description dialog shows up. This is a place where you can describe what is new in the version that you are going to share. If you share more than one diagram this description will be added to all of them. You will see this description in the diagram version history.


Press the OK button. The Authorization dialog appears (see Authorizing). If you have selected only one diagram for sharing then the dialog will contain the current authorization for this diagram. If you have selected more diagrams then only you will be added initially to the list of authorized users or groups. Moreover, all changes of authorization will apply to all selected diagrams overwriting the existing authorization.




Here, you can decide who can see the selected diagrams in the Engage Process Viewer. Just check the View shared right.

If your subscription contains the Comments module, then by checking the Add comments to shared diagrams right you can also decide who can make comments to the selected diagrams in the  Engage Process Viewer. Moreover, you can decide who will be notified about new comments by specifying the Comments notification list.

Press the OK button. A new Shared versions of these diagrams will be automatically created.


From now on, the versions will be available in the Engage Process Viewer for those users who have the View shared rights for them.


If you share another version of an already shared diagram then the sharing of the former version will be automatically stopped. Moreover, all users authorized to view the shared version of this diagram will automatically get a notification email that a new version is available. If you are in the Users Manager role you can disable these emails using Engage Process Admin Center.


You can stop sharing a process using the Publication overview dialog.

If you share a diagram a notification email is sent to the viewers, unless it is blocked by User manager.