Submitting (S)

In order to submit diagrams for publication press the Submit for publication button in the Sharing & publishing group in the Collaboration tab. Notice that in order to submit a diagram you need to have the Publish right for it (see User rights) and your subscription must contains the Publisher module.





Check the diagrams you want to submit. By checking a folder (Marketing in this example) you automatically check all diagrams in it. Press the OK button.




A description dialog shows up. This is a place where you can describe what is new in the version that you are going to submit. If you submit more than one diagram this description will be added to each of them. You will see this description in the diagram version history. The publisher will see this description in the publication history dialog and the publication overview report. The viewer will see this description in the New in this version dialog.


Press the OK button. New Submitted versions of the diagrams will be automatically created and become available in the Engage Process Publisher. Then, the publisher can decide whether to publish or to reject the submitted version. You will get the confirmation message:



If you are submitting one or more diagrams that are already shared then you will be asked if you want to unshare these diagram(s). You might want to do this because the shared versions will be not up to date after publishing.




If you answer Yes then the status of the shared versions of the diagrams mentioned in the question will be automatically changed to archived.


If you are submitting one or more diagrams that are already published and you also have rights to run Engage Process Publisher then you will be asked if you want to immediately republish the diagram(s).




If you answer Yes then the diagrams mentioned in the question will be automatically republished replacing the current published versions.