User rights (S)

The following user rights are available for users, groups and the organization:


Read: the right to view a project, a diagram or a folder;
Update: the right to update a project,a diagram or a folder;
Create: the right to create a diagram or a folder within a project or a folder; there is no right to create a project, you have to be in the Project creator role to do this.
Delete: the right to delete a project, a diagram or a folder;
Authorize: the right to change the authorization of a project, a diagram or a folder;
Share: the right to share a diagram for  Engage Process Viewer;
Submit for publication: the right to submit a diagram for Engage Process Publisher;
View shared: the right to view a shared diagram in Engage Process Viewer.
View published: the right to view a published diagram in Engage Process Viewer.
Add comments to shared diagrams: the right to add comments to the shared diagram in Engage Process Viewer.
Add comments to published diagrams: the right to add comments to the published diagram in Engage Process Viewer.


The View published and Add comment to published diagrams rights cannot be granted by Engage Process Modeler users. Only the  Engage Process Publisher user can assign these rights for the published diagrams.


User rights are related to a project, a diagram or a folder. Thus, the same user can have different rights for project, for a folder in it and for the diagrams within a folder. For example, a user may be given rights to create diagrams in a folder but may not be given rights to create new folders in the project.


The actual rights of a user to access a particular project, folder or diagram are composed of the specific rights of this user plus the rights of all groups the user belongs to plus the rights of the organization.


All the rights listed above can be granted for an existing object. There is also a possibility to specify content rights for projects and folders. These rights will be automatically granted to the newly created objects.


For each project, a diagram or a folder, there must be at least one organization unit that has both the Read and Authorize rights.