Custom document type

Select Document in the Based on combo box if you want the items of the new type to be treated as documents




The difference between this type and the standard Documents type is that you can define extra document properties here and you can limit the scope of such documents. Notice that extra properties for such a type can only be fixed.

The items of the document-based type will be taken into account for document indicators, document reports, and in the document preview.

The items of a global document-based type will be also taken into account for linking to overview shapes in Engage Process Publisher.

Once the new document-based type is created or linked it is added to the Tables folder as a type folder just behind the Documents folder and in front of the Roles folder.

Since we do not allow a swimlane view on the standard Documents type, the swimlane views on document-based custom types are not possible either.

Although the items of the standard Documents type are automatically added to the selection in the Input/output dialog, the items of a document-based custom types are added there only if the scope of this type is declared as Input/output.