Custom type scope property (P)

Each custom type has a property Scope that defines where this custom type can be used. Currently, a custom type can be used in Item properties, in Input/output properties, in Processes, in All step types of a process or in the Activities only.

The initial value of the Scope property is All step types.


In order to update the Scope property, select the custom type in the Project pane and then press a button with three dots behind the Scope property in the Properties pane. The following dialog appears:




Make your selection and press the OK button.


Alternatively, you can double click the custom type in the Project pane and press the Edit table type link to enter the Type property editor.


If Steps scope was selected then the custom property of this type will be added to properties of all steps (or activities only) in all processes in the project.

If Processes scope was selected then the custom property of this type will be added to properties of all processes in the project.

If Item properties was selected then this custom type will become selectable in the Items Properties property of other custom types.

If Input/output was selected then the items of this custom type will become selectable in the Input/output property.