Creating a work item

To create a new work item press the Add button on top of the board of a table.  (If you do not see this button it means that you are not authorized to create work items in this teamboard.)

If the teamboard has more than one work item type the list of them will appear, like e.g. in the Improvement board.:



Select the required type. The work item edit dialog will be opened:




The Short description is a title property for this work item, so it is mandatory here (marked by a red star).

Create by and Create at are system properties so they are read only.

Use the Owner field to assign an authorized user to the work item.

Use the Process field to assign a process to the work item.

Use the Attachments field to attach files to the work items.

Use the Tags field to add tags to the work item.

Press the Add button to add tasks to the work item.


Press the OK button when you are ready. A new card will appear on the board and a new item will be added on the table and the calendar view.