Teamboard data

Work items

On the data level, a teamboard is a set of work items that can be further split into tasks. Both work items and tasks consist of properties. A work item describes a piece of work that must be done to achieve certain goals whereas tasks describe detailed actions necessary to complete this piece of work. For example, a work item 'Bug report' can be split into the following tasks: 'Analyse the problem', 'Fix the bug', 'Test', 'Deploy', 'Inform the user'. The high level name of a work item can be different for each board. For example, for an improvement board we can call this 'Issue', but for a support board we can call this 'Support ticket'.

Work item types

We distinguish different work item types. A work item type is specified by its name and a set of properties. Different work item types may have different sets of properties. For example, a customer support department can process the following work item types: 'Bug', 'Wish' and 'Question'. All of them will have such properties like Creation date, Description or Status, both 'Bug' and 'Wish' will have Attachments, but only 'Bug' will have Impact.

Special properties

One of the properties of a work item or a task is specified as a title property. The value of this property cannot be empty because it is used to identify a work item or a task.

There are system and user defined properties. The system property values are set by the system (e.g., Creation date) and cannot be updated by the user.