Creating a task

To add a task to a work item you must have the Update right on the teamboard. If you are the creator of the work item then it is enough to have the Update own right.

There are few ways of adding a task to a work item.

1.In the Task board, press the plus button in the row where you want to add a task.
2.In the Table view, put a cursor over the row corresponding to the work item where you want to add a task and press the plus button at the beginning of the row.
3.In the work item edit dialog, press the Add button (see Maintaining tasks in the work item dialog).


The task edit dialog appears:




Enter at least Short description (the title property) and press OK. The new task will appear:

1.In the selected column and row of Task board
2.Under the work item card in the Kanban board if tasks are expanded.
3.As a new row in the Table view if tasks are expanded there.
4.As a new item in the Calendar view.
5.In the list of tasks in the work item edit dialog.