Configuring a teamboard

Engage Process has prepared some generic teamboard templates that you can use to create your own teamboards. Only few basic teamboard types are covered.

It is probable that the teamboard generated from one of our templates is not exactly what you need.

You can adjust the generated teamboard using configuration functionality.

Press the  button on the top of the window on the right hand side of the teamboard name. This button is only visible for the users with the Authorize right.

The Board configuration dialog appears.




The dialog consists of four or five pages. On the first one, called General, you can specify what is the actual name of a work item in the opened teamboard. You can also connect the teamboard to a process here.


We use a generic term "work item" in this manual, but in particular teamboard applications you would like to use such terms like "Issue", "Action", "Activity", etc. On the General page, you can give the work item your own name. This name will replace the term "work item" in all dialogs and messages shown for the opened teamboard. Notice that while changing the text in the Plural box the name of the third page of this dialog is also changing. This is because the third page is used to configure work items.


Select the page Fields to configure fields.

Select the third page (Issues in this example) to configure work items and tasks.

Select the fourth page (if present, Tasks in this example) to configure tasks. (The name of this page is configurable inside this page.)

Select the page Views to configure work views.


Press OK to confirm you changes. The teamboard will be reloaded using the new configuration. The other users who are currently working with the same teamboard will get the message:



and the teamboard will be reloaded also for them.