Configuring tasks

In order to configure teamboard tasks press the  button on the top of the application window on the right hand side of the teamboard name. Then, select the fourth page in the dialog that appears.




We use a generic term "task" in this manual, but you would like to use different terms like "Job", "Work", etc. in particular teamboard applications. On this page, you can give the task your own name. This name will replace the term "task" in all dialogs and messages shown for the opened teamboard. Notice that while changing the text in the Plural box the name of this page is also changing. Consequently, while changing the text in the Caption box the name on top of this page is also changing.


See Configuring work items to learn how to configure the rest of the task properties.


Notice that although you can add or delete a work item type you can neither add nor delete add a task type. The existence of the task type is determined at the moment the teamboard is created from a template.