
To create a new folder in the Publication pane press the New folder button in the Insert group of the Home tab. You can also right mouse click the Publication pane and select the New Folder item from the pop-up menu.




The New Folder dialog will be open




Type the name of the new folder (must be different than any folder or diagram name on the same level where the folder is going to be created) and press OK.

If a diagram is currently selected in the Publication pane then the new folder will be created on the same level as the diagram. If a folder is currently selected there then the new folder will be created inside the selected folder.


Press the Delete button in the Actions group of the Home tab to delete the selected folder. You cannot delete a non-empty folder. First, you have to unpublish the diagrams and delete folders inside it or move them to other folders.

Press the Rename button in the Actions group of the Home tab to rename a folder.


You can also copy a folder and then paste it into the same publication. If you do this then only the folder structure will be copied, so the folder and all its sub-folders but not the embedded diagrams. If you have the proper rights you can even copy a folder structure from a project in Engage Process Modeler and then paste it in the publication in Engage Process Publisher.  In this case both the Engage Process Modeler and Engage Process Publisher must be open in the same browser.


By default the folders themselves are not authorized for the users of the Engage Process Viewer. A viewer sees only those folders that contain diagrams he can see. However, you can also specify authorization for a folder. Then only those Engage Process Viewer users who are authorized to see the published folder can see the diagrams inside.