Diagram version states

In order to understand the actions performed in the Engage Process Publisher you should be familiar with the concept of a diagram version and its state.

Diagrams (processes, brainstorms and overviews) are designed by modelers in the Engage Process Modeler. The version of a diagram that is under construction is called developed version. This version is only available for the modelers.

By submitting a diagram for publication a modeler creates another version of it called the submitted version. The submitted version becomes available for publishers in the Engage Process Publisher.

You, as a publisher, can change the state of the submitted version. You can also create a new version of an overview diagram called the concept version. The possible version state transitions are shown in the graph below:





There are three groups of diagram states: Under review, Publication and Archive that correspond to the Engage Process Publisher panes with the same names.

The diagram version state in the Under review group (Submitted or Concept) can be changed to either Published or Rejected state.

The diagram version state in the Publication group (Published) can be changed to Unpublished state.

The diagram version state in the Archive group (Rejected or Unpublished) can be changed to the Published state.


There can be only one version of the same diagram in the Submitted, Concept and Published states.This means that:

if a modeler submits a version of a diagram that is already submitted then the old submitted version changes automatically its state to Rejected,
if you publish a version of a diagram that is already published then the old published version changes automatically its state to Unpublished,
you cannot create a new Concept version of an overview diagram that has already a Concept version (the old concept version must be first rejected manually).