Authorizing viewers

To authorize users to view a folder or a diagram and to make comments on a diagram in the Engage Process Viewer, select this folder or diagram in the Publication pane and press the Authorization button in the Publish group of the Home tab.




The following dialog appears:




This dialog appears also automatically when you publish a new diagram or a set of diagrams. Then, by default, you are selected as the only user who can view the published diagram. However, if the diagram is published into a folder then the folder authorization is shown as default.

There will be two additional check boxes in n the Authorization dialog for a folder:




Check Replace authorization on lower level folders and diagram with this authorization if you want that the folder authorization defined in this dialog will apply to all embedded folders and diagrams.

Check Apply only newly added and removed authorizations on lower level folders and diagrams if you want that only the changes will apply to all embedded folders and diagrams, e.g. if you want to add a user and give him the same rights to all lower levels.

If you do not check any of these boxes the authorization will apply to the selected folder only.  


If your subscription contains the Feedback module, then you also can assign the Feedback right in this dialog. The viewers who have this right can create comments on the diagram.


If you want to remove the rights of a user, group or the whole organization, click the corresponding unit in the list above and then press the Remove user/group button or just uncheck the View published (and the Feedback) rights. You can also select more units and remove them in once by pressing the Remove user/group button.


If you want to add the rights to a user, group or the  organization press the Add user/group button. The following dialog appears:



Select the corresponding unit from the list and press OK. Use the search box on top of the list to find the required user or group.

The View published rights will be automatically checked for the newly added unit.


Notice that even if the View published box (or the Feedback box) is not checked yet the read-only check box in the right column that specify the actual combined rights may be already checked. This is because a user inherits rights from all the groups he belongs to and a group inherits rights from the organization. You can check the membership of a user or the list of members of a group by clicking the Show Membership/Show Members button. The following dialog with the group or user list appears:




The membership can only be changed by an authorized person in the User Manager role.