Submitting conditionally approved processes for publication (E)

If a User manager has decided that All processes in my organization require approval then you as a modeler are forced to submit for approval any process that is going to be offered for publication. Thus, you cannot submit processes directly for publication.  (Although, you can still submit overviews and brainstorms for publication).

There is one exception from this rule. A process can be approved conditionally. This means that all approvers have approved it for publication but one or more of them did it under certain condition(s). In this situation a modeler is supposed to correct the process following the approver(s) remarks and or comments but the new version does not require a second approval. It can be directly submitted for publication (In this case, a publisher will see it as Approved).

You as a modeler will be informed by a notification email about the conditional approval of a process. If a process is conditionally approved the submitting for approval of this process is blocked until you correct the conditionally approved version and submit it for publication. This blocking can be removed by archiving the conditionally approved version.