Assigning approvers to processes (E)

To assign approvers for processes open the Engage Process Admin Center tool and select the Approval tab.




There are two check boxes on top of this tab. Check them on or off according to the requirements in your organization. The decision that is made here will limit the functionality of a modeler. The following table explains what a modeler can do with processes depending on your decisions. (Notice that a modeler can still share all diagrams and, since approval is only applied to processes, he can always submit brainstorm and overview diagrams for publication.)


All processes in my organization require approval



Modeler users can decide on process approvers


Submit for approval

Assign approvers

Submit for publishing

Submit for approval

Assign approvers


Submit for approval

Submit for publishing

Submit for approval


The Approval tab consists of two panes: Projects and Processes. The Projects pane shows all projects currently available in your organization. It is automatically filled when you open this tab. (You must wait a while if there is a big number of projects in your organization.)

Initially the Processes pane is empty. If you click one of the project names then this pane will be filled with all processes of this project. The Approvers column will show currently assigned approvers.


Select one or more processes and press the Edit approvers button to assign approvers for the selected processes or to change a list of already assigned approvers.

Press Refresh button to refresh the list of projects or processes.