Showing input/output

Press the Input/Output button  in the Show/hide group in Layout tab to show input and output items for activities and subprocesses (service, phases). Click it again to hide these items.

Notice the the layout of the process is expanded vertically to make place for the input (on top) and output (below) balloons. (This is not the case anymore if you start arranging steps yourself)





Up to 4 input and 4 output items will be shown on the diagram. If you want to see more defined items click Design tab and resize the Input or Output balloon.




If there is no input/output document specified for any of the process steps the diagram does change and the following message appears to inform the user:




Input/output balloons are never shown together with the RASCI or measures balloons. So, if you press the Input/Output button while the RASCI  or Measures button is on the input/output balloons will appear and the other balloons will disappear.