Resizing process step components

Most graphical components get the width and height depending on their actual content. You can resize them but you can also change their content by changing the values of the properties. The behavior depends on what you do first.


If you do not resize the component but change its content the component will resize automatically (as far as this is possible). If you first resize the component and then change its content then the component will keep the previously specified size because it was already decided by the user.


The text inside a component will be always wrapped. Notes, conditions, frequencies and labels are initially left aligned, annotations, names and roles are initially centered. You can change these properties for each individual graphical component.


The texts inside input/output balloons are wrapped per item.


The input and output balloons are limited to 4 items in the automatic arrangement.



If there are more items the user can extend the hight of the balloon in the design mode to show more items if necessary. Just click on the Design tab, select the balloon and make it bigger to show the other items.



If you switch back to the mapping mode the size remains unchanged, even when you hide the balloons and show them later again.