Filtering (P)

Using filtering you can temporarily hide some process steps in the process diagram and all its subprocesses diagrams.

In general. you can hide any process step type that does not influence the process flow structure. Thus, you cannot hide Start, Stop, Exit, Choice, Decision, and Sink.

Parallel and Join can be hidden but since they also define the process structure they are in fact replaced by splitting or joining lines. Hiding a Goto step means that its incoming line goes directly to the destination of its outgoing line.

For all the other step types you can treat the hiding as their temporal deletion from the process diagram.


You can specify what step types should be shown or hidden on the diagram using the Process Diagram Filter. Initially. the filter accepts all process steps. You can:

Modify filter to decide what steps must be filtered out
Apply filter to hide the filtered out steps on the current process diagram; all steps inserted afterwards will not be hidden.
Reapply filter to hide also the steps that were inserted after the last (re)application of the filter.


All these functions are available in the Diagram Filter group of the Layout tab.





If the process Evaluation is executed while the filter is on then only visible process steps (and invisible Parallel and Join steps) will be taken into account in the calculation. The same applies to downloads in an external format, e.g. PDF. All internal formats keep also the information about the filter. Thus, if you Save as, Download in Engage native format or make an on-screen report then all process step will be taken into account.


If the process is filtered then the filter icon appears in the left top corner of the diagram pane.



Move your cursor on top of this icon and press ... that appears. The filter menu unfolds:




You can modify the filter, reapply it or just turn it off here.