Apply filter (P)

Press the Filter button in the Diagram Filter group in the Layout tab to apply the actual filter to the process diagram and all its subprocess diagrams. (It will be automatically applied when you click OK after modifying filter)

The steps not accepted by the filter will be hidden and the Filter button will stay highlighted. The filter indicator DiagramFilter2 will be shown in the left upper corner of the diagram. This is to remind you that maybe you do not see the whole diagram. If you insert a new step now it remains visible on the diagram even if it is not accepted by the applied filter.  You must press Reapply Filter to apply the filter also to the steps that were inserted after pressing the Filter button.

If you press Modify Filter button while the Filter button is highlighted, and then do some changed in the filter and press OK, the filter will be automatically reapplied to the diagram.


Press the highlighted Filter button again to switch off the filter and show all diagram steps again.


Note that the filter applies to the whole process thus to its main level diagram as well as to diagrams of all its subprocesses.