Converting to a process (P)

The information gathered during a brainstorm session in the notes can be easily converted into an Engage Process process.

To simplify this conversion some notes can be given a category that specifies the note's content. We can do this if we know that a note describes a specific activity, role or document. Initially, a new note has an Undefined category.


In order to change the category of the note select it and select the proper category from the Category combo box in the Properties pane.


The content of a note can be applied to a process diagram by dragging the note from the brainstorm diagram and dropping it on a process step in the process diagram.


In order to allow dragging the notes across the boarder of the diagram panes select the brainstorm diagram and press the Conversion mode button in the Diagram group of the Home tab. Press this button again if you want to go back to the brainstorming mode. Being in the conversion mode you can only drag notes onto a process diagram, you cannot reposition them within the brainstorm diagram.


Open both the brainstorm diagram you want to convert and a new or existing process diagram. Place them one below the other or next to one another. Now drag the notes and drop them onto the process steps.


The result of dropping a note on a process step depends on the type of the dropped note. You can drop an activity note, a role note, a document note, a description note, an undefined note and even multiple notes.

You can drop the same note many times on the same process diagram. For example, you can drop the same role note on every task where you want this role to be assigned. However, it will be added only once to the set of roles of the embedding project.

You cannot drop a note with an empty text.

Once a note is successfully dropped on a diagram it gets a tick icon as a mark that it was already used:

