Maintaining tasks in the work item dialog

Open the edit work item dialog.

Press the Add button to add a new task. If you do not see this button it means that you do not have the Update rights on the teamboard. If you are a creator of the work item then it is enough to have the Update own right.


The task edit dialog appears:




Enter at least Short description (the title property) and press OK. The new task will appear in the task list.





Press the edit button at the end of the line to (re)open the task edit dialog. Enter changes and press OK.

Press the red cross button to delete a task. You will be asked for confirmation.


All changes done to the task list (in particular, the task deletion) will be applied to the work item at the moment you press the OK button on the work item edit dialog. (You can still press Cancel to revert these changes.)

It may happen that while you are editing a task another user is also editing it. Then, you will be informed about it by the live updates mechanism.