Content rights

The content rights specify the rights that will be granted at the moment a new object is created. Thus, they are not the rights to access a specific object.

The following content rights can be assigned to users, groups and the organization for a project or a diagram folder.

Content Update: the right to update any new folder or diagram created inside this project or folder;
Content Delete: the right to delete any new folder or diagram created inside this project or folder;
Content Authorize: the right to change the authorization of any new folder or diagram created inside this project or folder;
Content Share: the right to share any new diagram created inside this project or folder;
Content Submit for publication: the right to submit for publication any new diagram created inside this project or folder.


Based on the actual rights and the content rights that are granted to a specific project/folder, the rights for a new folder/diagram created inside are determined as follows:

1.All rights granted to the parent project/folder are copied to the child folder/diagram.
2.If the content rights are defined for the parent project/folder then they are added to the authorized units of the child folder/diagram.
3.If no content rights are defined then the creator of the folder/diagram is automatically added to the authorized units with the all necessary rights for the new element: Read, Update, Create, Delete, Authorize, Share and Submit for publication. However, those right are granted to the creator only if they are not already granted to one of the authorized groups the creator belongs to. If the Authorize right is to be added to the creator then the Read right is added as well.


The content rights are introduced to facilitate Engage Process project management. If the content rights are not defined, the creator of a folder/diagram gets automatically all the rights for it. So, he can, for example, create, update and immediately share the diagram. Sometimes this is not the required behaviour. Using the content rights the creator of a project can specify in advance who can do what with the diagrams that will created in the future. For example, he can specify that some group of users can only update diagrams whereas the right to authorize them will be granted to another group of users and the share or submit rights will be granted to still another group of users.  


Notice that content rights are defined for specific users and groups. If a folder/diagram is created, the rights are granted to these users and groups only. So, they are not granted to the creator, if he does not belong to these groups. It is the project administrator task to guarantee that the diagram creator is also included in the content rights.


Content rights can also be defined for the Tables folder but they are limited to Content Update, Content Delete and Content Authorize. These rights will be automatically granted to the newly created type folders.The type folders themselves do not have content rights because the items created inside always inherit the rights from the type folder.