Authorization (S)

By Authorizing an organization, groups and users you give them user rights to access and manipulate particular projects, diagrams and folders.


The users and groups can be created by a user in the User Manager role using Users and group setting tool.


There are no separate rights for items inside Roles, Documents and custom type folders. Every user who gets a Create right for the specific type folder (so, he can create a new items in this folder) gets automatically a right to rename or delete any item inside.

Since the Tables, Roles and Documents folders are fixed system folders and cannot be renamed, hidden or deleted, nobody can remove the Read right or get the Update or Delete rights for these folders.

Moreover, the custom types cannot be hidden so nobody can remove the Read right for them.


A user automatically inherits his rights from the organization his is in and from all groups he belongs to. This means that although a user is not explicitly shown in the authorization dialog for a specific project, diagram or folder he can still have some rights that are indirectly inherited.

You can see an overview of all actual rights for one selected folder or diagram in the Authorization overview report.

If you want to see an overview of rights for all elements of the open project at once use the Project authorization overview.