RASCI reports (P)

If you have defined RASCI roles then you can create standard RASCI matrix by pressing the RASCI matrix button on Reports tab. It is a cross reference report where RASCI roles are shown per step (activity) and a letter in the crossing signifies the type of the role in this step (R - responsible, A - accountable, S- support, C- consulting and I - informed)





There are two list reports for RASCI role. If you press the RASCI role per activity button you will get a list of all RASCI roles per each activity divided into RASCI role type columns.





If you press the Activities per RASCI role button you will get a list of all activities per each RASCI role divided into RASCI role type columns.



By default, steps from linked processes are not included in the RASCI report. However, if a process contains process links then the additional checkbox will appear on the right top of the dialog with the resulting report.



If you click this checkbox the report will be recalculated taking the steps from linked processes into account.