Saving cross reference report definition

Once you have defined a cross reference report you can save its definition for future use.




In order to save the report definition just press the Save button.




In the dialog that appears, type the report name and press OK. You will return to the wizard dialog. The Remove button will appear there. Press the Next button to create the report or press the Close button to close the wizard.


Now, you will see that the Cross References button gets a small triangle below. If you press this triangle you will see a drop-down list with a new button (Roles and Location in this example).




If you press the Roles and Location button then the wizard dialog will open. If it was a project report you will be asked to select processes, otherwise the wizard will start directly from column selection dialog with the saved columns already preselected.


Press Next to create a report. You can also update the definition (e.g. by changing the order of columns, or adding/deleting column) and then press Next to create the modified report.

Press the Save button if you want to save the updated definition.

Press the Remove button to remove the report definition. The confirmation question appears:




If you press Yes you will get the confirmation message:

