Custom properties

By defining a custom type with the Steps or Processes scope you automatically define a property with the same name.


For example, if you define the custom type Location then the property Location will be visible in the Properties pane.




If you expand the Location combo box you will see the list of available items in the custom type Location and the <New Location> item.




If you click the <New Location> item you will be redirected to the Property editor of custom type items.


You can also select multiple locations for the activity by clicking the ThreeDotsButton button. Then, the Locations dialog opens:




This dialog allows you to specify a list of locations. If the Location type has also contextual or fixed properties there will be an extra column in this dialog for each such property (IT system is a contextual property while Street name is a fixed property in the example above).

If the custom type has the Cost per unit property there will be an extra column for Number of units that must be specified for each selected item, as for Office supplies in the example below.




Select a location in the combo box on the left-hand side and specify the IT system of that location in the combo box on the right-hand side (or press the three-dots button if you want to specify more IT systems for the selected location). A new row will be automatically added to the list, so you can select another location. Press the red cross at the end of a row to remove the row from the list.




The value of the fixed property of the selected item ("Damrak" in this case) will be automatically filled and shown as read only (because it is fixed).