Global types (S)

In order to create a new custom global type press the New table type button in the Table types pane of the Tables management tool, type its unique name, select the scope, chose if you want to have Cost/hour property for the items, optionally define extra item properties and press OK.

Use the Edit table type button to rename the selected custom global type or to change its scope or extra item properties .




Select Document in the Based on combo box if you want the items of the new type be treated as documents.

Initially, the scope of a new type is All step types. The meaning of this property is the same as of the local custom type scope.

You can define extra properties for items of the global type in a similar way as extra properties for local custom types.


You cannot edit the predefined types. If you change the name or the scope of a global type then these properties will change automatically also in all projects where the global type is linked.


Use the Delete table type button to delete the selected custom global type. The predefined types (Roles and Documents) cannot be deleted.


Deletion of a global type is a serious operation because it involves deletion of all its tables. These tables and all the references to them will automatically disappear from all the projects where the tables of this type were linked. This operation is irreversible because Engage Process does not keep any old versions of the global types.


Thus, if you want to delete a global type, the following question will appear.




You must check the checkbox on this dialog to enable the Yes button.


Use the Export button to export the content of all tables of the selected type to a file in the CSV format or the content of one or more types to the file in the Engage Process EMTZ format.

Use the Import button to import the content of a file in the <%ENGAGE% EMTZ format.

Use the Reports button to generate a global type usage report.