Presentation details (P)

We explain below what exact items are shown in the report lists.


Process names are not prefixed with the embedding folders names. So, if you have two processes with the same name in different folders you will get them also twice in the report but you cannot recognize which one is which.


Items with the same name defined in different tables of the same global type will be treated as the same object, unless the Show table name in front of item names within the table checkbox is checked in the Project settings. If it is checked then each global item will be automatically prefixed with its table name.


Documents (all) list for a step contains the documents specified in the Documents property, items specified in the custom document type properties, as well as the documents and document-based items specified in the Input or Output property.

Document list for a process contains documents from all its steps and documents specified for the process element itself.

Document list for a role (for a custom type item) contains documents from all activities where this role (this custom type item) is used, i.e., where it is an element of the Roles (Custom type) property value. Thus, we assume that a role (a custom type item) is using a document if the document is assigned to a step that is also assigned to the role (the custom type item). RASCI roles are not taken into account here.


Document names in the second column of the list view and in the first column of the cross reference view are shown as hyperlinks, so you can click them to open the selected document in a new browser tab.


If there are more values in one cell then they are separated by semicolon.


We assume that a custom type item is related to an item of another custom type if there exists a step where both items are assigned to. This rule is restricted for type used as contextual property values. If the custom type T1 is a contextual property of another type T2 then the item v1 of the type T1 is related to the item v2 of the type T2 if v1 is a contextual property value of v2.

If the types T1 and T2 are both contextual properties of the same type T3 then the item v1 of the type T1 is related to the item v2 of the type T2 if they are both used as contextual property values of the same item v3 of the type T3.


We assume that a process is linking another process if it contains a Process link step assigned to that other process.


Although you can expand Process link steps and save processes with expanded process links, a report is always created for processes with all their process links collapsed. This means that neither steps of the expanded process links nor the properties of these steps will be shown in a report.