
In order to define your own colors for swim lanes, value added or for phases select the File tab, press Process settings and then select the Colors page.




The colors are used alternately to mark the swim lanes in the swim lane view or phases in the value stream view.  They are also used to mark steps with their value added type.

By default, there are two colors for swim lane view and six colors for phases.


Press the plus button to add a new swim lane or phase color. A new color will be added to the colors list. The initial value of the color is white.

Press the button with the two dots to set or change a colors for a lane, value added or a phase.

Press the button with the red cross to delete a color from the list of swim lane or phase colors. The minimum number of colors is 2.

Press the button with the brush to return to the default set of colors. Since this operation will delete all your own settings the program will ask for confirmation.

