Adding new user (T)

To add a new user click the Add user button on top of the list. The following dialog appears:



The Display name is by default a combination of the First name and the Last name but you can change it. This is the name used to identify this user in all Engage Process tools.

The Login must be unique in the whole system.

The Password must have at least 8 characters (or more if it was decided differently in the Security settings) and it must contain at least one digit, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one non-alphanumeric character.

By checking off the Can change password box you will disable this function for this particular user.

You cannot specify or change a password if your organization is set up as Single Sign On (SSO).


You can always add a new user. If the number of Available licenses shown on the bottom of the Engage Process Admin Center window is positive, then the new user will get automatically a Engage Process Viewer licence and  Engage Process Teamboard, and the number of available licenses will decrease correspondingly. Otherwise the user will not get any license.