Security settings (S)

If you are in the Users Manager role you are allowed to manage security settings in your organization. First, open the Engage Process Admin Center tool by pressing the application launcher button ApplicationLauncher on the top-right of the window and then select Admin Center (you can login directly to it using the link Select the Security tab there.




Initially, the users of your organization can access the Engage Process tools from any IP address. You can limit this by specifying one or more ranges. Press the Add range button to specify a new range.




Type the start and the end IP addresses of the range and press OK. Only logins from IP addresses within this range will be allowed.

If you check the This IP range will be blocked box then the logins from IP addresses within this range will be not allowed and logins from outside this range will be allowed.

If you have both blocked and not blocked ranges then blocking overrules not blocking.


Press the Update range button to modify the selected range and the Delete range button to delete it.



You can decide how often the users of your organization will be forced to change their passwords. By default, the user is forced to change every new password that was defined for him by the user manager. You can relax this rule by checking off the Force changing password after first login and after password reset box.

You can also force the users to change password periodically. Check the Password will be expired after .. day(s) box. Since this setting will have impact on all users you will be asked for confirmation:




Then, type the number of days after which the Password will be expired so the users will be forced to change their passwords.

You can also decide here on The minimum password length for all users. This length will be taken into account for all new passwords.


If you want your organization to be notified on attempts to crack the user passwords check the Notify all user administrators and the user by e-mail after n failed login attempts with a wrong password box and fill the required number of attempts.If you do this then, after the specified number of attempts to login with a wrong password, both the user who's username was used and all user managers in the organization will be notified about this incident by an email.


You can also switch on Two Factor Authentication here.


Using the Security tab you can also set up your organization as a Single Sign On (SSO) organization. Contact us to enable this and ask for a separate document that describes how to do this.

The Password Settings part is only available if your organization is not set up as SSO.