Export to CSV file

In order to export data of the currently opened teamboard to CSV format press the main menu button MainMenu in the left top corner and then select Save as, then Export and finally Export to CSV file. A wizard will be started to allow you deciding on export options.


In the checklist that appears check all fields that you want to export. Notice that the title field is always checked and disabled because it is mandatory on the output file. You can also decide on the order of columns by dragging up or down the elements of the list using six dots handles on the right hand side.


Check Include the column 'Type' with the type of Action/Tasks box to add this extra column in front of all other selected columns.

Check Include column with Action Id on every row Task box to add this extra column in front of all other selected columns. This enables you to sort on this column and see what Tasks belong to what Action..

Notice that the names 'Action' and 'Task' above are the names for a work item and for a task, respectively, in the exported teamboard. These names can be different for other types of teamboard.


Press Next to specify how the task fields must be exported. This part will be skipped if the teamboard does not have tasks.


You have three possibilities there.

1. You can decide not to export task data at all.

2. You can merge columns for tasks with the columns for work items, so the selected columns that are used only by tasks will be added to the selected columns of work items.

3. You can decide that the header row for the tasks fields will be repeated below each work item.


Select the task fields and the way they will appear on the export file and press Finish.

Notice that the resulting file will have always one extra column in front specifying what is the type of the exported item. You can use this column to filter the items of a certain type. This can be useful if you want to use this file to import data to another work item.

The current selection of columns for the data export is remembered, so next time you will do the export for the same teamboard you do not need to select columns again.

The work items exported to CSV file can be later imported to the same or another teamboard.