Updating an overview

You can update both the overviews created by you or another publisher and the overviews submitted by modelers. (Actually, you should update submitted overviews if you want to publish them because modelers can only design the presentation part of an overview. They cannot create diagram links or documents links.)

In order to update a submitted or concept diagram just double click it in the Under review pane to open in the Diagrams pane. Then, you can add or update shapes there.


You cannot update a published overview. This is because the changes made in the Publication pane are immediately visible for users of the Engage Process Viewer and we do not want the viewers to see partially designed overviews.

Thus, if you double click an overview in the Publication pane it is open in the Diagrams pane with the following header:





You can only change the layout properties of the published overview (in this case its default font). In order to add or update shapes you have to create another version of this overview that you can publish later in one step replacing the old one with the new one.

Press the Edit new version button to create the new version (the copy of the published one) in the Concept state. The diagram of this version replaces the published version in the Diagrams pane (although you will not notice it because they are the same) so you can immediately start updating. In the same time, a new item is added to the Under review list. Its name is the same as the name of the published version, its state is Concept and its version number is higher than the one of the published version. Notice, that a concept overview version can appear further in the list because the Under review pane shows the submitted diagrams first.


If the concept version of the published overview already exits, then the published overview will be open in the Diagrams pane with the following header:





Press the Open editable version button to edit the overview. The diagram of the concept version replaces the published version (can be different if some changes are already done) in the Diagrams pane so you can immediately start updating.


All operations on the the overview shapes are undoable. Click one of two buttons in the top left corner of the Engage Process Publisher window to undo or redo an operation.