Missing process links

Process diagrams can contain links to other process diagrams. When a user of the Engage Process Viewer clicks such a link the linked process diagram should be opened for him. This, however, is only possible if the other process diagram is also published.

By running the missing process links report, you can check if the process links in the all currently published process diagrams are pointing to published process diagrams. In the ideal situation, the result of this report should be empty.


Press the Missing links button in the Validation group of the REPORT tab. The following dialog appears:




In the case above, the published process diagram Sales process contains a process link pointing to the Export process diagram that, unfortunately, is not published. If you can find the Export process neither in the Under review nor in the Archive panes, then you, as a publisher, cannot fix this problem. Ask a modeler to submit the missing process Export (or to submit a newer version of the Sales process without the process link).


Press the PDF button below to export this report to the PDF file or press the MS Word button to export it to the DOCX file.


Click the Cross reference table tab to view another presentation of the same report. Similarly as for the Initial overviews report, you can export it to to the XLSX file by press the MS Excel button below.