Process layout

There are two types of a process layout: Value stream and Swimlane.

In the Value stream layout the steps are ordered from left to right in the order of the process flow.

In the Swimlane layout the steps are positioned in lanes depending of the value of the selected property. There are two standard properties used for swimlanes: Roles and Value Added. The custom properties can also be used as a basis for a Swimlane view. For example, if a modeler has used a custom type Locations when he created a process diagram then you will have an additional item called Locations swimlanes in the Swimlanes menu.


Thus, in general a process diagram can be in one of the following layouts: Value stream, Roles swimlanes, Value added swimlanes and additionally some custom type swimlanes, if available.

The initial layout of the process diagram is determined by a modeler. You can choose for another initial layout in the Engage Process Publisher. The viewer. however, can still change this layout in the Engage Process Viewer


You can decide on the initial process steps layout by pressing one of the buttons in the Layout group in the Layout tab.




A modeler can also adjust one of the automatic layouts by repositioning some of the steps and creating in this way a custom layout. Then, this custom layout will be initially shown and you cannot change it in the Engage Process Publisher (although it can still be changed in the Engage Process Viewer).