Global tables (S)

Every Engage Process project has a standard folder Tables that contains Roles, Documents and user defined custom types folders. Items in these folders (roles, documents and custom values) are local for the project, thus they cannot be used in other projects.

In order to create items that are common for all projects of an organization, global types and tables must be used. They can be defined in the Tables management tool by a user who is in the Tables Manager role. Global tables can be later linked to a project. Then, their items can be used similarly as the items of the locally defined types. The functions referring to global tables can be found in the Tables tab.


You can link global tables to a project and then unlink them. You can refresh content of the global tables on demand. You can replace references to the local items by the references to the global items or you can localize references to the global items. If you are in the Tables Manager role, you can open the Tables tab of the Engage Process Admin Center tool and you can create global tables and their items there.

By default, global items are identified by names. This means that two items with the same name in two different tables will be treated as the same. You may change this rule by checking Show table name in front of item names within the table checkbox in the Project settings.Then, all global item names in the project will be prefixed with the corresponding global table name. The impact of this settings is explained in Prefixing global items.