Localizing global items

A project that is linking global tables is no more self-contained. If you will export it to a file and them import this file in the environment of an another organization, then the old references to global items will be invalid in the new environment and they will be automatically created as local ones. However, only names of the missing items will be recreated. Thus, for example, an URL for a global document will be missing. You can make a project with linked global tables self-contained by localizing references to global tables.


Select a global table and press the Localize button in the Tables tab. The following dialog appears.



For each item in the global table there is a checkbox there. Select items that you want to localize and press OK. For each selected global item its local counterpart will be created. However, if there exists already a local item with one of the selected names then it will be reused for localization. You will be asked for approval.




In this case, you can press Yes if the local item London has the same meaning as the global one. If not then the local item should be renamed first.

After you press Yes or there are no conflicting local names the localization is started. First, a new local item is created for each selected global item. Then, all references to the selected global items are replaced by the references to the corresponding local items. When this operation is finished, the following message appears.




The project will be reloaded now. This means that the Localize operation is not undoable.You can revert its result by executing Globalize but only if no local items were reused for localization (since Globalize will remove them).

Similarly, Localize can be used to revert the results of Globalize but only if the corresponding global items were not referred in the project before globalization (otherwise these references will be also localized).