Synchronize users

To synchronize the list of users with the list of users from a CSV file click on the Synchronize with CSV on top of the list.

In the dialog that opens enter the default password and language for all users that will be added.



Then, select the input CSV file. The format of the file must be the same as the export CSV file. However, the last columns: External id, Groups, Roles and Licenses can be omitted.  Also the header line can be omitted (but the order of columns must be preserved).

Licenses are ignored on input file. They must be assigned manually to the new users by the User manager.

The values of the External id column are not used by Engage Process but they are remembered. They will be put on the export file while exporting to CSV.


If there are some users missing on the input file they will be deleted. You will be asked for confirmation:

