Classic layout

In general, a user can freely place the available panes within his workspace.


The default classic layout looks as follows:




Notice that Properties, Description and Remarks panes as well as Messages and Search result panes are grouped together to save some space.

Process steps pane is not visible here. You can make it visible by pressing a small arrow in the right bottom corner of the Insert steps group or by following instructions of showing hidden panes.

Annotations and Comments panes are not visible in this workspace either but they can be made visible.


The name of the opened project is shown on top of this window. The slider in the bottom right corner of this window is used to change the zoom factor of the selected diagram.

The three small buttons in front of the slider are used to switch the full screen mode on and off, switch to the modeling and to evaluation view mode, respectively.


To close a pane press the cross in the top right corner. If there are more than one diagram panes opened you can close them in one go by right mouse clicking one of their caption and selecting Close all diagrams or Close all except this.


The last system message will be shown in the left bottom corner of this window. In particular, a status of long background operations (such as printing or exporting) will be also shown there.