Program Panes

The workspace of Engage Process Modeler has been divided into several panes:



Here you can navigate to different folders, processes, sub-processes, roles and documents


Contains all properties specific for the selected object except Description and Remarks.


Contains (a rich text) description of an object.


Contains (rich text) remarks for an object.


Contains (rich text) of the selected step's annotations.


Overview of all messages (errors, warnings, notifications) that are generated by Engage Process Modeler.


Contains a process or sub-process diagram. This pane is populated for every opened process or subprocess.

Search Result

Contains results of the last Find text action.

Helicopter view

Here you can navigate to different parts of a large process diagram,

Process steps

        Contains the same list of steps types as the Insert steps group of the Home tab        

Documents (this pane is not available in Engage Process Modeler Starter edition)

        Contains one of the linked documents or a list of hyperlinks        (depending on the selected option)

Show measures (this pane is not available in Engage Process Modeler Starter edition)

        Contains list of check boxes corresponding to the selected measures.It is hidden in the Modeling view mode and shown automatically in the Evaluation view mode.

Comments (this pane is not available in Engage Process Modeler Starter edition, your subscription must contains the Comments module)

        Contains a list of comments for the opened diagram